Table of Contents
Dcache is available for downloaded as a GNU tar.gz file containing 3 RPM's. The fourth RPM is a configuration script from lcg with is required to install Dcache. The RPM also contains documentation that may be used in addition to this HOWTO.
d-cache-lcg-4.0.0-1 d-cache-opt-1.5.3-15 d-cache-core-1.5.2-33 d-cache-client-1.0-34 pnfs-3.1.10-12
We used Yum to install the following postgres RPM's from Scientific Linux these may not all be needed.
rh-postgresql-7.3.8-2 rh-postgresql-libs-7.3.8-2 rh-postgresql-server-7.3.8-2 rh-postgresql-devel-7.3.8-2
I have the following Java RPM's installed via Yum from Scientific Linux - these may not all be needed.
javamail-manual-1.3.1-2jpp java-1.4.2-sun-jdbc- redhat-java-rpm-scripts-1.0.2-2 java-1.4.2-sun-fonts- java-1.4.2-sun- java-1.4.2-sun-plugin- javamail-monolithic-1.3.1-2jpp java-1.4.2-sun-demo- java-1.4.2-sun-devel- java-1.4.2-sun-src- javamail-javadoc-1.3.1-2jpp jaf-javadoc-1.0.2-4jpp javamail-20031006-1 j2re.i586
I installed the following Globus RPM's to get the Dcache Server up and running.
vdt_globus_data_server.i386 vdt_globus_essentials gpt globus-initialization-2.2.4-5 vdt_globus_sdk edg-mkgridmap perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-Convert-ASN1 perl-TermReadKey perl-ldap perl-XML-SAX perl-Net_SSLeay
At RAL we have a simple script to install all the users needed and the grid map file.
This script is not available outside RAL so I have included it in the Appendix.