Process for configuring the "Pool" Node is started by running the LCG configuration script.
/opt/d-cache-lcg/install/ pool -pool=/pool
This scripts sets up much of the configuration files with default values. It also resolves some of the packaging problems that would occur if you configure the script by hand. Example include the path to Java and the initiation and shutdown scripts.
Problems can occur if this script is run multiple times. For this reason .*_done files are created in the directory "/opt/d-cache-lcg/install/"
#ls -al /opt/d-cache-lcg/install/ total 24 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 10 16:36 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 7 16:42 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 10 16:36 .dcache_done -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4611 Dec 16 23:41 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 10 15:41 .pnfs_done -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1431 Jan 10 11:25 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1284 Dec 17 00:00 README #rm /opt/d-cache-lcg/install/.dcache_done #rm /opt/d-cache-lcg/install/.pnfs_done
These files must be deleted to make the setup script more than once
/opt/d-cache-lcg/install/ pool -pool=/pool less /pool/pool/setup
The file "/opt/d-cache/config/dCacheSetup" contains much of the configuration of dCache, this file needs to be installed and modified by hand.
cat /opt/d-cache/config/dCacheSetup # # Chose the Java VM and possible options # java="/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java " # " \ # \ # \ #" #java_options="" #java_options="-server -Xmx400m -Xms400m" java_options="-server \ -Xmx256m \ -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256m \ -Dorg.globus.tcp.port.range=20000,25000 " #" -Dlog4j.configuration=/usr/d-cache/classes/" # # The automatic classpath is : # # ${classpath} only if specified # ../.. the dCache dev. path # ../classes/cells.jar autoinstall path for cells # ../classes/dcache.jar autoinstall path for dCache # classpath=${thisDir}/../classes/javatunnel.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/glue/GLUE-STD.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/glue/dom.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/glue/servlet.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/glue/jnet.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/glue/jsse.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/glue/jsert.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/pgjdbc2.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/cog-url.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/puretls.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/cryptix.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/log4j-1.2.8.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/cog-jglobus.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/cryptix-asn1.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/cryptix32.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/jce-jdk13-125.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/jgss.jar:${thisDir}/../classes/globus/junit.jar:${ourHomeDir}/classes/dcache-srm.jar:${ourHomeDir}/classes/concurrent.jar # librarypath=${ourHomeDir}/lib # # do not change the following three entries. # they are used from within the java vm. # images=${ourHomeDir}/docs/images config=${ourHomeDir}/config keyBase=${ourHomeDir}/config billingDb=/opt/d-cache/billing # serviceLocatorPort=11111 # # the service port numbers # (telnet is only started if the # telnetPort line is uncommented, debug only) # portBase=22 adminPort=${portBase}223 #httpdPort=${portBase}88 httpdPort=${portBase}88 #telnetPort=${portBase}123 sshPort=${portBase}124 dCapPort=${portBase}125 ftpPort=${portBase}126 kerberosFtpPort=${portBase}127 dCapGsiPort=${portBase}128 gftpPort=${kerberosFtpPort} # Set the path to SRM/GridFTP authentication file kpwdFile=/opt/d-cache/etc/dcache.kpwd # GFTP port range clientDataPortRange=20000:25000 # SRM options srmPort=8443 version=version1 # Set the SRM root path pnfsSrmPath=/ # Set transfer buffer size bufferSize=1048576 tcpBufferSize=1048576 # Set number of parallel streams per GridFTP transfer parallelStreams=10 # Set the max. number of concurrent active SRM put/get/copy transfers maxActiveGet=1000 maxActivePut=1000 maxActiveCopy=1000 # Allow automatic creation of directories (SRM transfers only), allow=true, disallow=false RecursiveDirectoryCreation=true AdvisoryDelete=true # Enable (true) /disable (false) overwrite of existing files truncate=false #srmPort=${portBase}128 #spyPort=${portBase}222 # # to be backward compatible # vspPort=${dCapPort} # # the pnfsServer actually autodetects the possible # pnfs file systems. The ${defaultPnfsServer} is # chosen from the list and used as primary pnfs # file-system. (currently the others are ignored). # the ${pnfs} variable can be used to override this # mechanism. # pnfs=/pnfs/fs # # the cleaner (which can only run on the pnfs server # machine itself autodetects the 'trash' directory. # ${trash} overwrites the auto detect. # (Do not uncomment the following line, but # simply set it to 'blank' if not needed. # trash= # # the current ftp need pnfs to be mounted # for some file exist checks and for the # directory listing. Therefore it needs to # know where pnfs is mounted. In future # the Ftp and dCap: daemons will ask the # pnfsService cell for help and the directory # listing is done by a DirListPool. # ftpBase=/pnfs/fs # # future use # scheme=development
The file "/opt/d-cache/config/" should have a name and configuration for each pool node similar. Please note is the fully qualified host-name and so the file name will differ on your system.
#cat /opt/d-cache/config/ /pool/pool sticky=allowed recover-space recover-control recover-anyway lfs=precious
If you make any changes please restart "dcache-pool" using the service function.
/etc/init.d/dcache-pool restart tail /opt/d-cache/log/ -f
if you get a line in the log file as follows:
02/11 15:32:39 Cell(lm@dev02Domain) : whatToDo : excpetion : java.lang.Exception: Request timed out
Please note that the typo is from D-Cache.
It strongly suggests that the communication between the server and client is broken.
Please node that it can take some time for the internal system to initialise and connect to the other servers.
tail /opt/d-cache/log/ -f ls /pool/pool/data/ less /pool/pool/data/0001000000000000000010F0
the "less" command should show the content of the file place in the dCache server.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb start postgres psql /var/lib/pgsql/ mount -o intr,rw,noac,hard /mnt/tmp export PATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01/bin\:$PATH\:/opt/d-cache/srm/bin export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01 export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/opt/globus $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-user-env.csh export X509_USER_PROXY=~/k5-ca-proxy.pem export SRM_PATH=/opt/d-cache/srm/ ls /opt/globus/etc/ . $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/ export SRM_PATH=/opt/d-cache/srm/ srmcp file:////etc/group srm:// /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache-pool start /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache-opt start /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache-core start /opt/pnfs.3.1.10/pnfs/bin/pnfs start /opt/d-cache/log/pnfs.log service dcache-opt stop links http://localhost:2288 ssh -l admin localhost -p 22223 -c blowfish less /opt/d-cache/log/dCache.log mount /etc/init.d/dcache-core restart /etc/init.d/dcache-opt stop mount /etc/init.d/dcache-core stop ps uax | grep pnfs /etc/init.d/dcache-pool stop mount umount /pnfs/fs /etc/init.d/rhdb stop /etc/init.d/pnfs start mount /etc/init.d/dcache-core restart /etc/init.d/pnfs stop iptables -vL ps auxwww | grep java
#cat /opt/d-cache/config/ /pool/pool sticky=allowed recover-space recover-control recover-anyway lfs=precious
Edit this file and put in the appropriate file names. This may be done partially automatically when a pool node connects.
#/etc/init.d/dcache-pool restart #mount -o intr,rw,noac,hard /mnt/tmp export #ls /pool/pool/data/ 0001000000000000000010F0 000100000000000000001110 000100000000000000001130 #less /pool/pool/data/0001000000000000000010F0