As an exploratory exploration, we can start with my freebie zoom meeting room: It is limited to 40 mins, but that should be enough for a trial (arguably, most weeks we ought to be able to finish in 40 mins). Failing that, we can expand the trial and try Sam's (thanks, Sam!) This is a déja vu for me, I must have used it for something else. Some of you (Lancaster) didn't get the slides from last week because it was a forwarded as an attached email. 0. OBP 1. Today (if you read this tomorrow, yesterday) has (resp., had) a pre-GDB on dynafed:, so if anyone attended and could give us a summary, that'd be much appreciated. On a not unrelated note, pre-GDBs are suspciiously often followed by GDBs (, which promises final reports on the SSC, DPM workshop, the pre-GDB (as is customary), and the xroot workshop. 2. Storagey things for GridPP in August. We should decide, which, if any, of the numerous ongoing tests we aim to finish so we can report on them. We should take advantage of the quieter (*cough*) summer months to do some Real Work™? 3. AOB