9. OBP 8. Update(s) on testing: what happened to EOS at Glasgow? SLATE? dCache non-GridFTP TPC (see also Brian's links sent to the list, on TPC and the timescales) 7. Other deadlines - DOME migration for DPM sites, IPv6 for large T2s, baseline(s) Should we upgrade our recommendation from not recommending not to upgrade to recommending to upgrade 6. Apropos DOMA, at least CERN are updating their wiki pages... only one GridPP storage related wiki page has been updated in the past month, the site storage status page. 5. I read that the EHT data (famously "too much to transfer over the Internet") was only 5PB. Although I guess if one of your SEs is at Antarctica, you might well have bandwidth issues. 4. AOB