Ste, Jens (chair+mins), Brian, JohnH, Sam, Winnie, Teng, Dan Still not clear what causes Winnie's system's exceptionally high load; whether it's a bug, or caused by a spike in usage? Or the way the load is accounted for? Other sites should report if they see the same? DPM support - others should represent GridPP in the DPM community, too, e.g. Matt and/or Raul - more people means less likely we have no one present if one person is called away to deal with an emergency. Manchester is also a large DPM site... (hint) Also, the UK does contribute, being early in the process to trial DOME, and of course we do a lot of support for the stuff that is reported to gridpp-storage and/or tb-support. However, support for legacy mode DPM goes away and we need to be able to upgrade or support it. The current recommendation for DOME is that we do not recommend that sites not upgrade; we do recommend that if you upgrade, you read the instructions. There is quite a lot of stuff in the recipe, and asymptotically, it should improve.