0. OBP 1. Did anyone attend the EGI conference who can give us a summary today? Brian helpfully circulated slides from Xavier's DataLake talk at the EGI conference, but there are other things of interest. Not least Tuesday's "SRM/DPM discussion" which has no slides associated with it and it would be interesting if someone could report. If not, we may have to just go through the slides and follow up later on the points of interest. Oftentimes people give presentations and basically read out from their own slides - not the greatest presentation style ever but at least it means the slides adequately represents the talk [*] In addition, there was a GDB last week but with topics of less interest to storage and data. 2. AOB [*] I have been known to mischievously make slides that would make no sense whatsoever without the accompanying talk. That was CA related though, and not my usual habits.