Attending: Emanuele, Jens (chair+mins), Steve, Dan, Brian, Sam, JohnH, Matt, Duncan, Gareth, Winnie 0. OBP Welcome to Emanuele who has joined Glasgow. He's previously been at NIKHEF and in Bangkok and has done work there for ATLAS and CMS but is now joining the dark side (admin). Operational issue with IPv6 at RALPP, considering turning it off... suggested was due to router unable to handle traffic. Compare with Glasgow's earlier report which was due to router or traffic into site - one of those - which one not known. Central IT "overworked" - a not unfamiliar picture. Glasgow will get new data centre and equipment at some point and will obviously ensure that the new stuff can handle IPv6. There is currently only one person handling network configuration across campus... 1. Supercomputing (the conference) is embracing and expanding into data. We had wanted to get a speaker to, er, speak about the data side but have not been successful yet. 2. Updates on ongoing tasks: IPv6, Rucio, DOME, EOS (non-datalake) testing, DataLake (CERN Flavour). Docs. This XDC thing: haven't had time to look at it but we are thought to follow it indirectly at least through DOMA? Need to look more closely when we have more time. The IPv6 issue above - 100% of CMS pledge (this year's) on IPv6, 80% of ATLAS. DOME (Matt) - works. We are now not recommending that sites not upgrade. Which is obviously not the same as recommending that sites upgrade. If you want to get it in this (calendar) year, now would be a good time... Alessandra upgraded a test SE. Raul is believed to have one, although we haven't heard from him in a while. Upgrades depend on how you manage config; you should be using puppet but Matt upgraded and configured by hand - however, YAIM is not recommended. All sites should upgrade by June '19 by when non-DOME DPM goes out of support. Rucio - is it stable enough in the UK that we can offer it to our users? How should we offer it (if we offer it), we need a tutorial that includes deployment (CVMFS or Docker) and basic usage - see link in chat log. As regards the EOS DataLake (see link in chat to HEPiX presentation), Brian has requested access to dteam so we can try it out. EOS-DataLake is also believed to have been set up as a DOMA TPC endpoint. 3. If there are any experiment-requested changes over the next three months it'd be good to know about them now 4. If there's time (if not we postpone till next week), round table update - been a while since we've had one. Postponed till next week... 5. AOB Daniel i guess that one good thing that our central IT buying cisco Nexus 7Ks cost a lot but seems to work for us with ipv6 at least 20% of ALL QMUL traffic going via IPv6 DP Duncan Is ipv6 enabled on non-grid hardware at qmul? DR Gareth So there appears to be a demo GR Brian BD Daniel IPv6 enabled on students dexktops etc... at QMUL DP Today at 10:30 AM