Attending: Jens (chair+mins), Matt, Steve, JohnH, Sam, Dan, RobC, Winnie, Brian, Raul 0. Operatioblogsts. None in either category. 1. Loose ends - IPv6 (ie dual stack), the DiRAC document, red key docs (and docs), object store performance & testing, caching. - IPv6, still intend to do Lancaster; Glasgow tried and found it didn't work so well; not able to find another "volunteer" at this stage. - DiRAC docuemnt: prob needs revisiting; also if there are future directions and expected developments for the next 1-2 years. Obviously this document connects DiRAC to GridPP by turning DiRAC sites into, er, Classic SEs (or near enough); how would we do more general DiRAC-user access to GridPP? This would need credential translation (ie the Pathfinder project), may also be of interest. A related question is whether, and how much, GridPP should worry or care about access to data in EGI, EUDAT, ELIXIR, INDIGO DataCloud, etc. There have not been strong requirements for interoperation from the users (yet), although interoperation is always desirable from a philosophical/ethical (and technical) point of view. - Red key docs: don't forget to update the dates at the bottom of the page when you update a page (or even when you have re-read it and asserted that it is still good), the update is not automatic. - Object storage testing and performance - Brian's mike wasn't working but aim is to test Echo. Brian looked at the throughput for ATLAS to/from Echo comparing to CASTOR, both FTS in/out and local access. Will blog the result. - Caching - Durham ARC cache still working. Rob and Sam are looking at Brian Bockelman's StashCache experiment, aiming to set up similar xroot cache and see if it works, also checking whether it can be set up without assistance from BrianB. It's all python based and in github and using HTCondor for monitoring. 2. Networking - - Pete sent around the networking foresight document, which is obviously relevant to us because our scope is to support data storage and management for GridPP. In particular, the data transfer zone type of stuff is important. The main question is whether we should feed something back on behalf of the GridPP storage group. Pete hasn;t asked for it, but he wouldn't. Anyway, the first action is to read it... 3. Non-certificate storage access. The main technologies seem to be iRODS's tickets (which we have only heard about), the INDIGO DataCloud proposal for Macaroons (see link in chat, it is a Google research thing, not a homemade one - Macaroons are fancy cookies, geddit?), and obviously OAuth (ie OAuth2, RFC 6749) which seems to be getting lots of extensions, and is used by Globus and CILogon. Not likely to get GridPP moved off certificates, partly a question of if-it-ain't-broken, partly a question of inertia, and partly a question of people generally being experts and absolutely needing access to all the features that you wouldn't get through a friendlier portal. Compare the old NGS portal with canned workflows; these could be run very easily but it would take rather a lot of work to go beyond that and do real analysis. 4. If there is time let's do a round table update - what storagey thing would you work on during your summer holiday if you had time? .. well ok there wasn't; but it is useful to do those from time to time, so people could work together on the things they need to do, potentially, and also gives people a chance to speak who do not say much in most meetings. 5. AOB NOB Matt Doidge: (12/07/2017 09:59:20) Morning - no mic today as I'm working from home. Nursing one of my cats. Jens Jensen: (09:59 AM) o dear Matt Doidge: (10:00 AM) He seems on the mend Jens Jensen: (10:00 AM) hope it's not too serious... Matt Doidge: (10:02 AM) I would like us to volunteer, I can't gurantee we'll be able to Brian Davies @RAL-LCG2: (10:14 AM) my mic not working Samuel Cadellin Skipsey: (10:19 AM) Jens Jensen: (10:25 AM) Brian Davies @RAL-LCG2: (10:31 AM) (IF) Whatever auth mechamsim replaces gsi, then it will be a method not just for storage but all wlcg grid middleware ands so will be needed ot be decided at higher level with other ( non-storage) developer communitites. Jens Jensen: (10:33 AM) CertWizard was (the start of) an attempt to make the certificate management easier. Daniel Peter Traynor: (10:34 AM) if you need to trafer data drom dimond to your home insitute then Non-certificate access is a must i think. less of an issue for wlcg. might be more intersting to small expriments Jens Jensen: (10:36 AM) Yes, DLS is also a good example Brian Davies @RAL-LCG2: (10:38 AM) usres could always write theier own wrappers around gloubs-url-copy or Ste Jones: (10:39 AM) Yes, Brian. The low level functions have to be full of options. They can be abstracted to a higher level with scripts. Matt Doidge: (10:39 AM) Bye!