0. Operational blog posts 1. The JISC end-to-end workshop : some presentations available. https://www.jisc.ac.uk/events/campus-network-engineering-for-data-intensive-science-workshop-19-oct-2016#resources 2. Remaining loose ends (the ones mostly not covered last week) - current state and any $\Delta$ * Accounting (no news) * Information systems and ATLAS (no news) * use (and status) of test SEs (?) * data node writeup and Globus endpoints and endpoint implementations and endpoint implementations testing (no news) * IPv6 and data transfers (and test transfers)(?) * Anything for the cloud-at-Crick workshop? (linking GridPP to cloud?) * Science DMZ/JISC campus/eInfra (see above) * GridPP as a data einfra - comparing to climate, "UKT0", SKA Other stuff: Here's the ECFA workshop Daniel mentioned a few weeks ago - https://indico.cern.ch/event/524795/timetable/ There is a GDB coming up (next week) - http://indico.cern.ch/event/394788/ Two things may (or may not) be storage related: 'performance' at WLCG [workshop], and 'regional federations demonstrator' There's the DPM workshop of course: http://indico.cern.ch/event/559673/ 3. AOB