Attending: Jens (chair+mins), John H, Tom, Luke, Marcus, Winnie, Sam, Pete Apols: Brian's at the thing 0. Op bl p. We still need lots more interesting blog posts! 1. Outcome/summary of data preGDB This is the discussion-without-Brian, the discussion-with-Brian will take place next week! The WLCG coordination may lead to a working group being formed? Necessary to involve providers, experiments, and other stakeholders but they don't all talk to each other or even themselves. Looked at ATLAS/CMS plans - CMS being disk only with direct io, such as Bristol. ATLAS is more gridftpy with local xrootish access. SRM would be needed at T1s - dCache pointed out SRM wasn't broken as at least it was working and was there, and several sites are still running dCache also as T1s - FNAL, PIC, NDGF. Also dCache has nice features like high availability (HA) and load balancing. dCache also used in industry. Question which filesystems were supported by the middleware? The answer is, it depends... e.g. there has been work to support GridFTP on CEPH. Also some discussion on storage accounting seems to be happening again, with made-up JSON records instead of basing it on existing work like the GLUE JSON rendering, or StAR, or syncat. 2. Updates on data for the non-LHC VOs? (if any) 3. Something on events - RSE is coming up; storage interop with SNIA next week (and with EGI, CloudWatch), proposed cloud w/s November; CHEP of course DPM workshop - send feedback/suggestions to Sam. E.g. policy on storage. Oct 8. 3. Tech corner: Storage technologies, cloud storage(?), relevant networking technologies Swordfish from SNIA is the storage version of Redfish from DMTF which is IPMI-next-version 4. AOB GDB: data management presentation? Jens: (14/09/2016 10:04:07) Lukasz Kreczko: (10:06 AM) yay Since July 2015 we were first, I think according to the wiki, dcache is on " ten out of fourteen Tier1 sites " Jens: (10:34 AM)