0. Operational blog posts 1. End of quartery things: blog posts, milestones, furlong pebbles, experiments support, the Great ATLAS Arkleseizure, As reporting potentially changes in the coming quarter perhaps we should revisit the reporting metrics? 2. Items for next week's GridPP In particular, Duncan suggests we look at the GridPP sites firewall configurations compared to the ESnet Science DMZ - maybe there is a role for looking ahead here. Also, if Duncan attends tomorrow, we can give him feedback on his topics for his presentation, if he should so wish, like we did with Sam's and Tom's last week. Also on the experiments data; we previously discussed whether we had particular things we'd want experiments to report on next week - as success stories, of course! - although it doesn't look like a huge amount of stuff has happened since that discussion? Jeremy also asked for slides for experiments feedback from the experiments' GridPP contacts. 3. AOB