0. Operational blog posts - Including problems or requests from the usual LHC VOs, if any - Any loose ends for the QR for Pete 1. General round-up of other issues - ie where are we wrt: - Support for DiRAC - and other "newish" VOs (LIGO? UKQCD?) - Filedumps and syncat - https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/ConsistencyChecksSEsDumps#Format_of_SE_dumps - GridFTP to CEPH - T2C and T2D proposals/testing - Oxford as a T2C? - Feedback on the E2E workshop presentation (aide-memoire for next week; Brian is on leave this week) 2. Summary of the UKT0 workshop last week 3. There is a November GDB coming up shortly (next week): http://indico.cern.ch/event/319753/ where potentially interesting items include transfer metrics, and cloud accounting (if it includes storage), and possibly T0 update(?) and maybe the HEPiX summary. Sam has sent me some notes from the previous meetings which I have not yet uploaded but intend to upload today or tomorrow.