0. Operational blog posts. So far we have a grand total of 0 blog posts this quarter. 1. SE housekeeping. Should we spring clean our SEs and get rid of obsolete or inactive VOs? (Or are they just in the BDII?) https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/Maintaining_GridPP_approved_VOs 2. Status of DPM 1.8.9 - issues with installation, Matt's SAM test failures? 3. Other baseline things - are we ready for run 2. We can't do IPv6; experiments are probably OK. There is the question about deletion rates. $. For your entertainment and lunchtime reading (and perhaps discussion tomorrow?), here are a couple of Exascale papers you might find interesting: http://www.eiow.org/home/E10-Architecture.pdf http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.05367