Attending: Brian, Jens, Raja, Gareth, Matt, Sam, Elena, Gang, John H, Ewan, David, Steve, Tom, John B Apologies: Chris, Wahid 0. Operational issues ATLAS consistency checks - RUCIO. Sites should not be using N2N any more (but if they do, they are welcome to fess up) - there is no way in general to check whether sites have switched. Regarding the empty dirs, there is a risk that DAVIX could delete non-empty directories - also tidying up in the database directly - as with all database interventions - runs the risk of deleting too much. 1. What is ATLAS connect and why should it choose to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven. Does it look like an ATLAS version of Globus Connect (a GlobusOnline server). ... FAXbox. xrootd by default. Storage with Condor. What is a T3 resource? 2. Writeups and stuff We could do a writeup for iSGTW or something with someone, maybe a "small" VO, like, er, CERN@School, or EPIC, or someone. Maybe look at the use of CVMFS. Or have a 20 mins tutorial on "how to use GridPP" 3. AOB DPM - can't test latest xroot yet, API broken - there is a beta of xrootd4 which is needed for IPv6 Jensen: (09/04/2014 10:17:09) Tom Whyntie: (10:33 AM) Wow, the audio is completely cutting out Hang on Samuel Cadellin Skipsey: (10:38 AM) On a more light-hearted outreach note, I see Tom is also "curating" a Big Data outreach thing next week: Ewan Mac Mahon: (10:39 AM) I think we need a 30min talk/paper that does dirac, cvmfs, and vac, then has someone using them. then tout it around as many places as possible. Samuel Cadellin Skipsey: (10:40 AM) I don't see a lot of *storage* awesomeness in that suggested talk, Ewan Ewan Mac Mahon: (10:40 AM) No, I did say it wasn't really a storage thing. chuck in a mention of webdav/gfalfs too though. Samuel Cadellin Skipsey: (10:41 AM) Sure. Ewan Mac Mahon: (10:41 AM) Including the fact that gfalfs is in things like fedora and ubuntu as standard kit. Basically, we need a grid.pp sizzle reel