1. FTS3 timescale? Could we also use this to visualise storage...? Ie transfers, like the RTM, only with data - we discussed this some weeks ago. Could it also replace GlobusOnline - from a functional perspective? Meaning, can it move data between (or to/from) GridFTP endpoints. 2. Everything (or at least some things) you ever wanted to know about iRODS but were afraid to ask... (from last week) 3. Targets for the coming (ie this) quarter. 4. Apropos big data: DiRAC and storage? 5. AOB I think the next week we should have a round-table update again, as it's useful, I think, to hear what others are up to - particularly people who don't otherwise say much in the meeting. If we don't postpone too many agenda items till next week... should also get a "small" VO in again at some point.