1. What to do with a storage workshop at EGICF? We have one, courtesy of Jeremy and Wahid - the acceptance of workshops should have been announced today 2. Roundup of thoughts from last week: xroot/webdav redirectors - maybe we don't need to "investigate" as much as I thought at the time but it'd be good to get a deeper understanding of how it works so we can debug it when it breaks. See also https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/WebDAV But clearly (as you've seen on the list) there's a bunch of stuff you will need to install and configure. Weird libraries and things. 3. GridPP in Glasgow - the programme is being put together. 4. FTS3 - roundup of experiences/stuff/thoughts/nextsteps 5. GridPP cloud - does it include cloud storage https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/GridPP_Cloud (EGI FedCloud does, they use a CDMI implementation) Also dCache should be supporting CDMI. 6. AOB