Agenda for storage EVO meeting 2010-07-21 0. Review of actions - long overdue, quick review 1. Post WLCG workshop discussion What happened at/with the demos? Any conclusions? Anything to do, follow up? 2. Current versions of middleware revisited (again) 3. Writeups revisited What happened to the file integrity? [Jens] Hadoop? [Brian] Plans - orphaned files [Brian again] 4. AOB Current list of actions 322 15/04/2009 Replicate Glasgow DPM database indexing at Oxford Ewan Low Open 367 24/02/2010 Add alternative inputs to script (eg list of files) Sam Low Open 368 24/02/2010 Look into a local StoRM dumper (analogous to dpmDump) Wahid Low Open 382 07/04/2010 Document samplemathics Jens Med Open 388 28/04/2010 Clean up wiki front page (the storage one presum.) Sam Med Open 391 05/05/2010 Investigate StoRM metrics for QMUL Chris+et al Med Open 397 19/05/2010 Upload workshop writeup and circulate to relevant PMB members Jens Med Open 398 26/05/2010 Check whether list archives are 600, 640, or 644 Jens Med Open 399 26/05/2010 Test DPM 1.7.4-6 on SL5 and report Sam Med Open 400 26/05/2010 Investigate upgrading B'ham to SL5 Brian+Chris C Med Open 401 02/06/2010 Clean up the wiki ALL Low Open