ssh Admin Interface

Interactive Connections

To access the local administration console within Dcache

ssh -l admin localhost -p 22223 -c blowfish service 

The default password is


Changing the Password

Next Change the password by this series of commands.

ssh -l admin -c blowfish -p 22223 localhost
(local) admin > cd acm
(acm) admin > create user admin
(acm) admin > set passwd ${newPasswd} ${newPasswd}
(acm) admin > ..
(local) admin > logoff

Using Key based Authentication

To login to the administration console using ssh keys without a password is also possible.

To generate a key pair.

[synge@dev01 synge]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -b 1024

Passwords can be left blank if the key is for automated scripting against D-Cache

The public Key should then be edited to have the ${USER}@${HOST} changed to admin@${HOST}. The ${HOST} variable does not seem important.

[synge@dev01 synge]$ vi .ssh/ 
[synge@dev01 synge]$ cat .ssh/ 
1024 35

Add the content of the public key to the D-cache ssh servers authorised keys list.

[synge@dev01 synge]$ cat .ssh/ >> /opt/d-cache/config/authorized_keys

The ssh clients configuration needs editing to include the following values.

[synge@dev01 synge]$ vi .ssh/config
[synge@dev01 synge]$ cat .ssh/config 
Port 22223
User admin
IdentityFile .ssh/identity
Protocol 1
Cipher blowfish

Now we should have password free login if ssh agents are used, if not you will be prompted for the ssh pass phrase, and if this is not correct the server will fall back to the admin password..

[synge@dev01 synge]$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA1 key fingerprint is 93:7a:52:c0:44:1e:95:9b:02:52:f2:d1:a5:5e:32:4a.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA1) to the list of known hosts.

    dCache Admin (VII) (user=admin)

(local) admin > (local) admin > Connection to closed.

This shows that we have 3 public keys that are accepted by D-Cache to bypass the servers own password.

[synge@dev01 synge]$ cat /opt/d-cache/config/authorized_keys
1024 37
1024 35
1024 35